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Managing Leadership Anxiety



"The goal of managing anxiety is not simply for relief, it is to connect more fully with God."

According to a recent study from Barna, nearly 40% of pastors have seriously considered leaving ministry in recent months. Many if not most of us serving and leading local churches in the Bay Area can relate. It's a uniquely challenging time to be a pastor. 

Join us on Wednesday, Sept.21st for a learning experience and conversation with Steve Cuss, author of Managing Leadership Anxiety. Steve's experience as a hospice and trauma chaplain, then as a local church pastor, will help us navigate both our own personal anxiety and the corporate anxiety of the communities we serve, as we move collectively toward becoming a non-anxious presence in an anxiety-stricken world.

This event is designed for pastors and key church staff and lay leaders who are serving and leading in the trenches people's lives.


Wednesday, Sept.21st | 9am-12pm


WestGate Church (1735 Saratoga Ave. San Jose, CA 95129)

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