Wonderfully Made - Week 5 - Surprising Grace + Sobering Truth


Sermon Description:

Truly complex problems require us to be people committed to both patient love (grace) but also making sure that we arrive at the correct answer (truth).  This is difficult, but the alternative is not good.  As author Randy Alcorn once wrote, “Truth without grace breeds self-righteous legalism…grace without truth breeds moral indifference.”  But in the Scriptures, we see that Jesus isn’t full of grace OR truth; He is full of grace AND truth. This is the vision set before us—not arbitrary or circumstantial decision-making between grace OR truth but a commitment to live at the intersection of grace AND truth.


Jay Kim (Saratoga), video (South Hills)

Bible Passage(s): 

John 4:5-18


THE AFTERWORD: Wonderfully Made - Week 5


THE AFTERWORD: Wonderfully Made - Week 4