THE AFTERWORD: Wonderfully Made - Week 3

Title: THE AFTERWORD | Wonderfully Made - Week 3


Our guest, Joshua Ryan Butler, joins David Tieche for a frank and pointed discussion about sex and gender featuring questions from our congregation.  If the Creation story shows how the pairing of male and female (marriage) reflects the intended whole of Creation, then what do single people reflect?  Are they incomplete?  A sun without a moon?   If everyone is “fearfully and wonderfully” made - then explain people with same-sex attraction?  Did God make them “wrong?”  Wouldn’t that make God cruel for giving SSA people a sexual attraction they can’t fulfill according to God’s law?  Are churches that are not affirming more hostile (in some way) to the LBGTQ+ community?  Also how should Christians approach people who identify as transexual, intersexual or asexual?  We dig into these topics and more.  

Speakers: David Tieche + Joshua Ryan Butler



Wonderfully Made - Week 4 - Singleness and Longing


Wonderfully Made - Week 3 - Genesis and Sunsets: Heaven + Earth, Male + Female