Six40 Discipleship - Week 1


There’s a verse in the Bible (Luke 6:40) in which Jesus says that students, when fully taught, become just like their teacher.  This verse has become the mission statement of WestGate Church. We are a people whose goal is to become, ever and increasingly, just like our master, Jesus.  To become people who talk to other people like He would. To act like He would, if He were in my place. And to love like He would, if He worked at my job, lived where I lived, and had the relationships I did.  For the next three weeks, we’ll be examining what this looks like and what steps we can take - real and concrete steps - to become more and more like Jesus.

Love God. Love One Another. Love Your Neighbor. Those are the three core values that comprise the general mission statement of WestGate Church. We call this Six40 Discipleship,This week, lead pastor Steve Clifford examines the idea of what it means to love God. In our age of busyness, how can we create margin and enough blank time in our schedule to even think about God, let alone enough quiet for Him to speak? Steve offers a simple yet wildly effective way for us to ruthlessly eliminate hurry from our lives to hear from God.

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Six40 Discipleship - Week 2


Compassion Immersion 2018 - Week 4