Matthew (Season 9) - It Is Finished - Week 5 - 03.24.2024


Sermon Description:

As Jesus is dying on the Cross, He yells out “My God!  My God!  Why have you forsaken me?”  This is one of the more famous sayings of Jesus, if only because of the anguish behind it.  Is God forsaking Jesus?  How can that be?  This is no mere physical death: this death is also a separation from Himself - a tearing apart of Jesus’ eternal identity.  But Jesus is not merely saying words of pain - that line “My God, My God” is actually a quote from a Psalm.  Psalm 22 to be exact.  And if you read that Psalm, you see so much more going on.  Jesus is thinking about the WHOLE psalm, and its implications.  And what that psalm says - coupled with what happens immediately after Jesus dies inside the temple - shows us more than Jesus in pain.  It shows us Jesus at work, with the Father, to redeem every square inch of the whole world. 


Jay Kim (Saratoga), David Tieche (South Hills)

Bible Passage(s): 

Matthew 27:45-51


Easter 2024 - 03.31.2024


Matthew (Season 9) - Week 5