Compassion Immersion 2021 - Week 4


Every year, at the end of Compassion Immersion, we take some time to study the life of a hero of the faith who made a global impact for the Kingdom of God. This year, we will focus on the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German-born theologian, whose writings on Christianity's role in the secular world have become widely influential. Apart from his theological writings, Bonhoeffer was known for his staunch resistance to the Nazi dictatorship, including vocal opposition to Hitler's genocidal persecution of the Jews, for which he lost his life in a concentration camp. Through Bonhoeffer’s life, we can see a number of important lessons, including fidelity to Christ above all other allegiances, the non-optional role community plays in spiritual growth, and the costly demands of following Jesus Christ.




THE AFTERWORD | Compassion Immersion 2021 - Week 4


THE AFTERWORD | Compassion Immersion 2021 - Week 3