Matthew : Season 6 - Week 2


It’s easy, as Christians, to get so focused on what God is doing in our lives (or what we need Him for in our lives) that we begin to think that God exists *for* us. Like, Jesus came to earth and died for *me*. Which, on one hand, is true, but in another way is entirely false. Jesus came to save humanity. In Matthew 10, we have the second big speech of Jesus in Matthew, and in it, Jesus outlines His big, overarching mission. But there’s a troubling reality: Jesus says that the “harvest is ripe” but that the “workers are few.” Jesus, like those first disciples, is inviting us with an urgency to join Him as He builds the kingdom. And a great deal depends on our response.


Jay Kim (Saratoga), David Tieche (South Hills)

Bible Passages:

Matthew 9:35 - 10:42


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 6 - Week 2


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 6 - Week 1