THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 6 - Week 2


This week, we have a whole bunch of questions about Jesus’ famous “mission discourse speech” in Matthew 10. Jesus famously said “the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” What was He trying to say, back then, and how does that relate to us, today? Secondly, we believe that Jesus is actually beautifully compelling with both His life and His words. So how does that jive with His warning that people will hate Him and hate His followers? Jesus says his followers are like sheep sent out among the wolves. What does that mean? Also, how do you know when you’re being hated because you follow Jesus, and when you’re being hated because you’re a Grade A jerk? Jay Kim stops by to help David figure all this out.

Speakers: David Tieche + Lisa Averill


Matthew : Season 6 - Week 3


Matthew : Season 6 - Week 2