Matthew Season 4 - Week 4


Matthew : Season 4 - Week 4

Throughout the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus presents some beautiful and soaring images of not only God, but what life with God can be.  So you might expect, as Jesus’ most famous sermon comes to a close, that Jesus would end with a big rhetorical flourish.  A giant inspirational rah-rah go-get-em-Tiger kind of pump-up-the-crowd ending.  But He does not.  INstead, Jesus ends soberly, with a series of warnings.  We examine what Jesus is saying and why He is saying it, seeing how Jesus is keeping in lock-step with many of the prophetic witnesses that came before Him.  God is glorious, His plans are good and the road with Him leads to life.  And the gift is that any and all who come to God can.  But the tragedy is that we can choose to ignore Jesus and choose a different path that leads to…destruction.


Jay Kim (Saratoga), David Tieche (South Hills)


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew Season 4 - Week 4


Matthew Season 4 - Week 3