Matthew Season 4 - Week 3


Matthew : Season 4 - Week 3

Near the end of the sermon on the Mount, Jesus begins to wrap up this lengthy teaching by talking about prayer.  And in that teaching, Jesus reinforces what He’s already taught earlier.  Using the example of a father, Jesus says that God’s parenting is *at least* as competent and loving as human parents (who are not perfect all the time).  Jesus then goes on to say that God’s provision is not merely mechanical, but familial and caring and loving - like a good father.  In this teaching, we explore how this framing can change *everything* in the way we view God and interact with Him.  Which is exactly what Jesus wants.

Steve Clifford (Saratoga), David Tieche (South Hills)


Matthew Season 4 - Week 4


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew Season 4 - Week 3