THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 3 - Week 3

Jesus says to forgive, but sometimes it’s just not that easy.  WestGate Church’s Care Pastor Ben Pierce stops by to talk about the harsh edges of forgiveness.  We first discuss folks who review their past and still feel deep shame, sometimes even saying, “I just could never forgive myself for what I’ve done.”  Then, we discuss whether offering forgiveness to people who have done horrific things lets people “off the hook?”  Does forgiveness cheapen mercy and threaten justice and accountability.  Finally, Ben shares stories from his time in Rwanda after the genocide in 1994 where forgiveness seemed humanly impossible - but God still found a way to bring people together.

Speakers: David Tieche + Ben Pierce


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 3 - Week 4


Matthew : Season 3 - Week 3