THE AFTERWORD | The Unseen - Week 3

Lies - in the form of deceptive ideas - are the devil’s primary method of enslaving human beings.  And yes, this impact individuals but those lies also become normalized in culture and society, and pretty soon, up is called down and down is called up and entire human societies in a vicious cycle of ruin.  Jay and David talk about what big lies have become normalized in our society, and, in general, what kinds of things help Christians live in the truth and stay in the truth.  Also: David remembers the life and work of Frederick Buechner, a brilliant author who had a tremendous influence on his life and Christian faith.

Speakers: David Tieche + Jay Kim


THE AFTERWORD | The Unseen - Special AfterWord Q&A with Dr. Gerry Breshears


The Unseen - Week 3