THE AFTERWORD | Prepare Him Room - Week 4

One of the names given to Jesus is “Wonderful Counselor.”  Jesus the Messiah is not “a counselor, among many options” but “THE” capital “C” counselor.  Steve Clifford and Andy Gridley stop by to talk about what it means to have Jesus as your “Wonderful Counselor.”  Is there a diagnostic?  What are the signs that you are treating Jesus like just any ordinary counselor?  How do you know if you’re doing it right?  Andy Gridley shares the parallels he sees between following Jesus and getting his pilot’s license.  Also, Steve talks about his broken Nativity Scene on his front yard that might be more Biblically accurate than you’d think.

Speakers: David Tieche + Andy Gridley + Steve Clifford


THE AFTERWORD | Christmas Eve


Prepare Him Room - Week 4