Matthew : Season 5 - Week 3


Sermon Description:

In Matthew 8, we see the third of three healings that the author Matthew lists.  He is being deliberate, but this third “miracle” is different than the others.  Unlike the previous two, where people quite literally fell at Jesus’ feet begging Him to help, this time a sickly woman doesn’t say anything.  But Jesus sees her, knows her need and heals her out of compassion.  The author Matthew is clear: this is further proof that Jesus is the Messiah.  It’s Jesus’ way of reversing the effects of the Fall, restoring what was broken by sin, and renewing all things.  But the story doesn’t end there.  The woman, newly healed, gets up and begins to help and serve Jesus and those with him.  This is a powerful reminder: when we experience the healing of Christ—physical, emotional, mental, spiritual—the natural result is a committed life of service to him, the life of discipleship.  This is not out of duty but out of deep gratitude.  


Mark Averilla (Saratoga), Jay Kim (South Hills)


Matthew : Season 5 - Week 4


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 5 - Week 3