THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 3 - Week 1

In the opening lines of the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus invites us to call God “Father.”  But what happens if when you hear the term “father” nothing positive comes to mind because of your own bad experiences with your own family of origin?  What happens if when you hear the term “father” you think “absent” or “gone” or “uncaring” - or God forbid, something worse.  Jay and Corinna share their stories and how the story of the Bible helped them heal from their own stories of abandonment from their own father. Also, taking a cue from Stranger Things, we ask, “What song would bring you back into the realm of the living if the evil Vecna tried to curse you?”  

Speakers: David Tieche + Jay Kim + Corinna Girard


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 3 - Week 2


Matthew : Season 3 - Week 1