Matthew : Season 2 - Week 2


MATTHEW : SEASON 2 - The Upside of Down

If there were a list of modern Beatitudes for the Bay Area, that list might read something like “blessed are the wealthy, for they will be comfortable” or “Blessed are the pure in purpose, for they will achieve with stunning efficiency.” But in Matthew 5, Jesus lays out 9 statements about who is actually blessed - who lives life with God and in peace, with joy. Jesus’ list is as shocking today as it was 2,000 years ago. Steve goes through this surprising list, discussing why each one is so surprising. And in the end, we see that the Kingdom is coming - God Himself is coming - to people you’d least expect in ways that heal and transform.


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 2 - Week 3


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 2 - Week 2