THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 7 - Week 6

Title: THE AFTERWORD | Matthew (Season 7) Week 6 - Take Up Your Cross


In Matthew 16, Jesus introduces a clear definition of what it means to follow Him, and it’s one of the more famous sayings of Jesus - and one of the least “attractive” offers in human history. Jesus says to be His disciple, you must deny yourself (refuse to center your life around you) take up your cross (an instrument of Roman torture) and follow Him (give control over your life to Jesus)

At first glance, this seems like the most un-American thing ever. But as we’ll find, Jesus’ highest ethic is love, and He wants us to become people of love, and this is the only way too really do that.

Speakers: David Tieche + David Kim



The Greatest - Week 1


Matthew : Season 7 - Week 6