THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 6 - Week 6


In a fight with the Pharisees in Matthew 12, Jesus refers to Himself as being like Jonah. He’s clearly talking about Jonah’s miraculous rescue from certain death (which authenticated his message as being from God Himself), and foreshadows His own rescue from certain death as well (authenticating Him as Divine, too). Finny Abraham stops by to talk about the Resurrection and shares a true story from his childhood in India where the “sign” of Jesus’ resurrection deeply affected him. We talk about what it means to be people who are marked by the “sign” of the Resurrection - bearing witness to its truth and power. We also nerd out, and spend some time diving into the whole story of Jonah. This book is four short chapters (it’s only about 1000 words long) and is one of the strangest and most unique books in the Bible, but also one of the most beautiful in showing us the patient, pursuing heart of God to not give up on people, offer forgiveness and transform hearts and lives.

Speakers: David Tieche + Finny Abraham


Matthew : Season 6 - Week 6


THE AFTERWORD | Matthew : Season 6 - Week 5