I'm Terrible With Names - Week 1


The apostle John opens up his story about the life of Jesus in a very curious way. Instead of focusing on the familiar birth story of Jesus, with Mary, and the wise men and the star and silent night, holy night, John zooms way, way back. In the beginning, he writes, was the Word. John is linking Jesus and His life back to the opening pages of the Bible, in Genesis 1:1, where God speaks into the void, into the wild and waste of the Universe and with that Word brings forth beauty and order and goodness. This Word is Jesus, John says. And in Jesus, the “Word” of God isn’t just audible words spoken, but an actual person. Come to Earth. In human form. In Jesus. And just like in Genesis, this Word has the power to bring life, order, beauty and goodness everywhere.



THE AFTERWORD | I'm Terrible With Names - Week 1


Joy! - Week 4