THE AFTERWORD | Compassion Immersion - Week 2

It’s a DOUBLE EPISODE. (Look people, we all know that Double Stuffed Oreos are the best). In the first part, David sits down with Melissa Hung and Finny Abraham - who head up WestGate Church’s local compassion team. They share their favorite stories from the things they saw this past year. Then at (37:00) - David interviews Jeff Hudgens. After losing his father in the Vietnam War when he was young, Jeff turned to alcohol and cocaine to cope with the loss and pain. But a decision to go and visit the crash site where his father was killed when he was shot down in Laos changed Jeff - and eventually thousands of Laotian lives, too. Hear his incredible, redemptive story.


Compassion Immersion - Week 3


Compassion Immersion - Week 2