A New Resilience - Week 1


A New Resilience - Week 1

In a recent survey of adults, 60 percent of adults say they’re more tired than they’ve ever been, 53 percent say they feel unfocused or disjointed most of the time.  Depletion is running rampant, it seems.  And if those are the numbers for the nation, then it stands to reason that this is trending higher in the Bay Area, with its aggressive hustle culture and incessant push for productivity.  In this, Paul’s words to the ancient Christians at Corinth - a city eerily similiar to the Bay - show us the way forward as we consider not only the common ordinary-ness of our lives, but the extraordinary things our extraordinary God can do in and through us.


Jay Kim (Saratoga), David Tieche (South Hills)


THE AFTERWORD | A New Resilience - Week 1


THE AFTERWORD | Christmas Eve