Abraham- Week 9


In Genesis 22, we are met with the emotional apex of of the entire story of Abraham. This story is so potent, it’s referred to in the Jewish tradition as simply “the Akedah” - which means, “the binding.” It’s the story of the moment where Abraham is asked by God to sacrifice his son Isaac. The raw emotion of a father walking up a hill, being asked by God Himself to kill his only son is overwhelming. And puzzling. Let’s be honest - this story upon first reading doesn’t make God look too good. But, if we read carefully, we see something else going - a dramatic reveal that shows us that God is not a cruel, whimsical or cruel deity - or a God who takes and takes and takes - but rather a God who gives and gives and gives



THE AFTERWORD | Abraham - Week 9


THE AFTERWORD | Abraham - Week 8